Thursday, September 4, 2014

Baby craziness!

I sit here in my rocking chair, looking out over my dining and living room wonder when baby toys took over my house.

There's the high chair to my left, covered in sweet potato stains that just won't come out (reminder, I need to buy more bleach). The exersaucer is in front of me, my son's favorite toy. The Playskool elephant ball throwing game, various blocks, teething rings, lovies, a container of gerber graduates "puffs", a floor toy that's lounger than necessary, and, of course, about 15 pacifiers varying in age, brand, and color. Don't forget the bouncer, stroller and car seat that don't ever seem to find a home.

Not my house, but glad to know someone else has this same problem! 

Gone are the days where my house stayed decently clean throughout the week. Farewell walks to the kitchen in the middle of the night without stepping on a baby farmhouse animal.

I may sound like I'm complaining. In all actuality, I LOVE IT. I love seeing my son's gadgets, toys, lovies, and puffs all over the house. He is simply the greatest joy in my life and I couldn't be prouder to be his mommy... Even if it does mean My surroundings have changed! Definitely a change for the better!

I love you, Parker!

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