Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Attempt to be Positive Polly

Hey y'all!!!

I haven't posted in about a week and decided it was time for some written therapy. For those of you who know me, I am usually Miss Optimistic. I see the glass half full... of champagne, with strawberries on the side, and maybe a new car to go with it. I ALWAYS try to look on the bright side and find the best in situations and in people. But lately, this hasn't been the case. Do you ever have those weeks, months, years, where nothing seems to go your way? Passed over for promotions, bank account seems empty from having one of those unexpected emergencies pop up, dog destroys house while you're away at work, gained weight even though you stuck to your diet and exercise program? Welcome to my week. 

I feel like I need to reverse my karma and STOP complaining about all of the bad things that happen in my world and start appreciating them for what they are: unrealized blessings. I know God has a plan for me and that by not giving me that job promotion I really wanted or allowing my dog eat an entire tube of A&D ointment (she's fine now, I swear), He's teaching me a lesson, asking me to have faith and trust in Him for all of my (and my family's) needs and wants. 

In an effort to prove my trust and turn my frown upside down, I'm going to list off what I would normally complain about and instead, I'm going to find the light at the end of the tunnel and thank God for the blessing that I received instead. Here we go!!

1) I gained FOUR pounds this week. F. O. U. R. Do you know how long it took me to LOSE those 4 measly pounds? A month. And to gain them all back in a week absolutely blows my mind. (Crud, I'm complaining. This is harder than I thought it would be... back to positivity). Let me first recognize where my weight gain came from: PMS & menstrual cycle weight gain. It's really hard to look on the bright side of gaining weight that I've worked so hard to lose, BUT if I had to find something, I guess I could thank God for giving me a regular menstrual cycle that allows me to NOT struggle with fertility. I have so many friends that struggle to get pregnant, and my heart aches along side of them as I follow them on their journeys to parenthood. Thank you God for giving me the ability to get pregnant without struggle, so that I can have a lovely monthly cycle that causes me to gain 4 (oh so sad) pounds each month. Give me the strength to work my bootie off this coming week and lose those 4 pounds plus some. :)

2) I didn't get a job promotion that I really really REALLY wanted. I know, most people would be sad at first and then get over it within a day or so. Believe me when I say that I have tried. However, this isn't the first job promotion that I've interviewed for that I haven't received. THIS YEAR ALONE I've interviews for FOUR new positions, each of which chose to go with a different candidate. 6 months of work (was out 2 months due to maternity leave), 4 job interviews. I'm looking at let-you-down-easy/ thank-you-for-trying email about every other month or so. Picking myself up, dusting myself off, and trying again is getting harder and harder to do. SO - let's try to find the bright side of this story, shall we? Thank you, God, that I still have a job and that I still bring in a decent paycheck for me and my family. I may not make the kind of money that I would like, but then again who does? I can provide food, clothing, shelter, and fun to the ones I love. I have enough and I am grateful for all that He has given me and my family. I pray that a new career challenge finds me soon so that I can grow and learn as I feel I have maxed-out of the learning opportunities in my current role. God, also please grant me the patience to trust that you will lead me to the career of my dreams - or at least lead me to my next step towards the career of my dreams. 

3) My dog is absolutely insane. This past week she destroyed the following: one nearly-new bottle of A&D ointment (the kind you put on baby boys following a circumcision), a baby bottle (the expensive Dr. Brown's kind), a couple of to-go boxes she pulled from the trash, as well as peeing in the house... Twice. I can take the blame for some of these infractions, I suppose. Mike and I decided to leave her out of her crate last Thursday and Friday. We thought that since she's now 6-yrs old, she might have calmed down enough to be able to handle the house on her own without her crate. We. Were. Wrong. Sooo, bright side? Let's see... Thank you, God, for allowing my dog to pee in my house on our carpet, right in the middle of our living room. My mother is coming next week and we definitely needed a reason to rent a carpet cleaner this weekend. We now have that reason. Thank you for allowing Millie to eat that tube of ointment - her insides are now oily clean and her gastrointestinal tract is working perfectly (hello, gassy puppy). That's about all the good I can see from this one. 

So there you have it. Three bad things I was able to turn around and find my blessings in. IT CAN BE DONE! Before I wrap things up, I'm going to leave you with a list of things I'm excited about:

1) Mom is coming to Jacksonville next week! 5 more days. CANNOT WAIT.
2) A week from today I will be flying to Nashville, TN for the AJLI Fall Conference. CANNOT WAIT.
3) WeeTrade sale is next week. Consignment Heaven! CANNOT WAIT.
4) I learned out to use my embroidery machine last night. My first attempt is pretty epic. 

Hope y'all have a fantastic weekend! Remember to look on the bright side and count your blessings! 


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