Ever wanted to know what my crazy life is like - see below.
6:00am – My Fitbit buzzes me awake and I frantically tap it
to make it stop vibrating.
6:02am – I fall back asleep for about 28 minutes until my
body realizes the sun is up
6:30am – grudgingly decided to get out of bed
6:35am – after using the restroom, I step on the scale, hold
my breath and PRAY that the number is even 0.2 lbs smaller than it was the day
6:40am – shower, dry hair, put on makeup, etc.
7:00am – husband brings Parker into the bedroom with sippy
cup of Milk. Parker decides he wants to sit in my lap while I do my makeup. He
then proceeds to throw all of my compacts, brushes, hair curlers, bobby pins
and a tube of tooth paste to the floor. Thanks, kid.
7:30am – run around the house like a mad woman trying to
make sure I have my gym bag packed (with socks), healthy, weight watchers
approved lunch packed, cell phone, cell phone cord, head phones, office entry
card, parking garage entry card, and hair ties ready to go for the day. Don’t
forget purse!
7:45am – get stuck behind school bus in the neighborhood and
wait while the 500 rugrats pile onto not one but TWO school busses. WHY DOES
8:15am – finally get to work.
8:20am – pull out laptop, plug it in, boot it up, and
immediately check emails – work and personal. Respond to necessary ones.
8:25am – fill up water bottle and proceed to stare at it
wishing it was coffee – as in a fancy one from Starbucks, but we all know that
has mega points. Water. Ugh.
8:30am – text mom today’s weight loss/gain, continue to
carry on text conversation for next 15 minutes.
8:40am – check in with lead project manager and get “leads”
for the day. Determine importance level and check calendar for meetings.
8:45am – check up on today’s top news stories (including
lifestyle and gossip columns) – thanks MSN.COM!
9:00am – check into social media – see what the friends have
been up to. Continue to scroll Instagram until I determine that I must find a
suitable post to make myself not look so lame. – brainstorming session begins.
9:05am – remember water is sitting on desk – take a giant
gulp hoping I was able to get half way through. Realize I didn’t even make a
dent in it. Frown face.
9:10am – decide it’s time to eat my breakfast – stolen go-gurt
from my son, along with a cutie brand clementine. Why is my toddler’s food so
much better than grown-up food?
9:30am – yes, it took me 20 minute to eat my breakfast. I
10:00am – look though action items lists and determine what
needs following up on. Prepare for afternoon meetings, run to the ladies room –
work work work.
10:05am – repeat texts from mom, checking emails, checking
calendars, checking news, chugging water
10:15am – check the JLJ website and makes sure no updates are needed
10:45am – talk to mom on phone, discuss weight loss, shower/birthday/mother'sday gifts, gossip about people, determine what each other has going on that day.
11:00am – refill water bottle (yay me!). 24 ounces down,
need to drink another 3 of these. Yikes.
11:30am – start contemplating with co-workers if we’re going
to go on a lunch-time walk. Usually they chicken out and I’m left to walk on my
own. NOT A PROBLEM. I have my free audio book-of-the-week (thanks Jax Library)
to make the walk go by faster. Currently listening to “Doll-Baby” Laura Lane
11:45pm – go change into my work-out clothes. Praying that
my coworkers don’t see me in my spandex and start judging. I’M EXERCISING – NO JUDGING
12:00pm – head out on a walk down by the river. My current “track”
is from my office in the Wells Fargo Building by the Landing all the way to the
end of the river walk underneath I-95. It takes me about an hour – less if I
push myself – and includes a 4-story incline to cross a bridge over the train
tracks. It’s not as easy as it seems, folks.
1:00pm – return from walk, red-faced, sweaty and generally
grody looking. Run into office and head towards desk to grab gym bag full of
work clothes. Give myself a paper towel bath in the handicapped bathroom and
get work-appropriate again.
1:10pm – heat up lunch – usually consisting of a lean
cuisine. Yum.
1:15pm – eat lunch as slowly as possible. Making each bite
last forever. All while checking emails, social media, news blurbs, etc.
1:30pm – prepare for 2:00pm meetings
2:00pm – meetings until 4:00pm
4:00pm – contemplate urgency of “leaving early”.
4:05pm – double check the JLJ website, making sure no updates are needed.
4:10pm – continue contemplating leaving early
4:20pm – text husband to see if he’s left for the day yet
4:30pm – start packing up belongings
4:35pm – head towards parking garage
5:00pm – fight rush hour traffic. I love Jacksonville.
5:05pm – call mom to discuss my day. Gossip about everything under the sun. Plan next vacation, trip to Charleston, etc.
5:15pm – return home and immediately take shoes off.
5:16pm – go straight for Parker. Play play play until it’s
time for Swim lessons
5:40pm – head to swim lessons (and/or Junior League Meeting, Women's Board Meeting, Weight Watchers Meeting, etc.)
6:00pm – swim lesson time. Watch as my 15 month old
struggles to float, roll over, kick and swim in the water. Listen to his
terrified and angry screams. Remind myself that this is for his own good.
6:10pm – swim lessons over! Snuggle Parker to warm him up,
burp him to get rid of the extra air he swallowed and desperately try to calm
him down.
6:25pm – head home and attempt to determine in my mind what
we’re having for dinner that night.
6:30pm – stare into barren refrigerator trying to pull a
dinner together. SUCCESS – found a protein, veggie and grain – dinner complete!
7:00pm – feed toddler whatever food he will consume. These
days its green beans, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, rice, and mac & cheese. Absolutely
NO carrots.
7:15pm – lovingly serve my husband dinner. Watch as he
either a) devours it in one bite or b) plays around with it with his fork until
it looks like he ate something (meaning he hates it).
7:30pm – return plates to sink and play with Parker some
more. Usually a game of tickles and kisses or chasing around the living room.
7:45pm – time to calm Parker down. I ask him to go pick out
a book to read, he brings back the SAME ONE every night. The Tractor book. Not sure
what it is about this book. There’s no story line. It’s just a bunch of
tractors and their parts. I. Don’t. Get. It.
7:50pm – 8:00pm – convince myself that Parker is tired and
attempt to lay him down in his crib. 9 times out of 10 he’ll go straight to
sleep. Start praying that this isn’t one of those rare occasions where he has a
melt down and won’t sleep.
8:00pm – check out Fitbit steps. DAMNIT. I’m only at 8,000
steps for the day. AND I TOOK A LUNCH TIME WALK! WTF!
8:05pm – put walking shoes on. Head towards the door trying
to go unnoticed by Millie. Too late. She caught me. Guess she’s going on a walk
with me.
8:45pm – finally get all of my steps in. WOOHOO! Now I’m
exhausted. 11,000 steps in a day is a tough goal. But these chubby thighs and
left over baby weight (haha, yeah, still calling it baby weight) isn’t going
anywhere on its own.
9:00pm – peel off clothes and put PJs on.
9:05pm – flop onto the couch with my cell phone. TIME TO
DISENGAGE AND PLAY ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM (this includes my online shopping addiction time).
9:30pm – okay, enough is enough. No more social networking
for me. I’m already jealous of everyone’s houses, jobs, careers, cross-country
moves, vacations, and perfect children. Time to focus on my own crazy world.
9:35pm – run through the house putting away random items
that I know will just be moved to another location by my husband before the sun
comes up (diet coke cans, remote controls, watches, paper work, magazines,
9:45pm – crawl into bed and attempt to watch an episode of
Big Bang Theory
9:47pm – remember to turn my Fitbit onto sleep mode.
9:50pm – PASS OUT.
10:00 – 11:00pm – dog comes into the bed, cat comes into the
bed and husband comes into the bed. My king sized sleeping space has now been
reduced down to the size of an infant’s mattress.
Looking back on it all now just exhausts me. Luckily, my husband is extremely appreciative and supports me in all that I do.
Cheers y'all!
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